To lead every coach and every athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church
Building healthy church partnerships through intentional relationships.
Engaging in partnerships with the local church, equipping them with an understanding of the impact of
FCA in their community, and empowering them to “get in the game”.
Getting Started: New Church Partnerships
This is an “entry level” partnership that can open the door to engaging a high percentage of a
congregation because everyone can pray. There are no restraints of time, talent, or treasure. Just a
willingness to make FCA a prayer focus on a regular basis. We seldom have a church decline the
opportunity to partner in prayer. A church may have a prayer pastor, a designated prayer team of
intercessors or even an around-the-clock prayer chain.
This can be an entry level position if it at an event, camp, or other FCA activity. A weekly volunteer
“assignment” will include a larger commitment and training. Providing a clear presentation of the
volunteer opportunities available to a church on a local campus will greatly benefit our ministry. Adding
new ministries cannot match the multiplication that a strong volunteer base will provide.
Engagement to a local campus is the best way to get engaged. This can be done through an awareness
of the needs of a school in your community. Our approach to the church is not “need-based” but
“opportunity-based”. However, making them aware of the opportunities AND needs of that campus is
significant in successful church partnership success.
We always lead with building relationships before pursuing financial partnership. Presenting a clear
ministry vision along with an awareness of the local church’s budget planning season are significant to
our success in engaging the local church financially. At times this process may take longer than
expected. But in the end, this will be of mutual benefit to the partnership.
2001 W. Plano Pkwy
Suite 2050
Plano, TX 75075