Hall of Fame Breakfast

Hall of Fame Breakfast

June 1st | 7:30a | Golf Club of Dallas

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The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is touching millions of lives…one heart at a time. FCA provides opportunities for student athletes and their peers to experience a relationship with Jesus Christ through coach’s leadership, campus huddles, community events, and camps. 

This annual breakfast highlights the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the engagement, equipping, and empowerment of the coaches, athletes in the Southern Dallas community. 

Host: Tim Brown, a 2015 NFL Hall of Fame Inductee, hosts this incredible event every year.

After the breakfast, you will have the opportunity to see our FCA Golf Camp in action. You are also invited to enjoy a round of golf compliments of FCA. When you register for the breakfast, you will be given the option to register to play golf as well. Bring your clubs and join us for a great day with FCA!

Live Auction

Live Auction items will be hosted by Hall of Famer, Tim Brown

  • Hall of Fame Experience Package to 2023 Induction Ceremonies and Events for (4)
  • Golf for (4) at Dallas National
  • Cowboys Watch Party and dinner for (10) at the home of Tim Brown

Hall of Fame


When: June 1st | 7:30a

Where: Golf Club of Dallas

Who: All are welcome!

*If paying by check, please mail to:

Hall of Fame Breakfast

750 E US Hwy 80 Ste 200-206

Forney, TX 75126

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